renewal of, in order only if other business intervened82 (2)
report of sergeant, accepting86
seconding by 5 members required82
successive calls80, 85 (4)
transacting business while under85 (1), (3)
vote to raise, majority of members then
present carries85 (5)
Cancellation of public hearing (immediately
notify chief clerk)25 (1)
Certificate under Joint Rule 7, examined for
compliance with98 (5)
citation on behalf of the senate98
Certification or citation (definition)99 (10)
Chair (definition)99 (11)
Chairperson of committee:
designated by majority leader (chairperson of
committee on senate organization)20 (2)(a)
determines whether to hold committee hearing25 (1)
files list of scheduled hearings with chief clerk by
Monday of preceding week26
joint committees have cochairpersons,
Joint Rule 22 and s. 13.45 (4m), stats.
joint hearings, see Joint Rule 21
may agree to rereference of proposal or appointment46 (2)(c)
notifies chief clerk of scheduled hearing26
signs committee reports27 (1)
Chamber, senate:
admission to11
audio, video recordings11 (7)
definition99 (77)
disorderly member may be removed13
doors closed when senate under call83
open for use of members, when6 (2)(f)
recording proceedings11 (7)
Chief clerk, see also Wis. Con. XIII-6; ss. 13.15 to 13.17, stats.:
administrative rule, withdrawn from standing committee:
journal entry27 (4)(b)
attests to warrants, writs, and subpoenas44
bulletin of proceedings, supervises preparation of,
see also Joint Rules 76 and 78
corrections to proposals, entered in journal31 (3)
definition99 (12)
duties in general, term of office, assistant5
election, see also s. 13.15 (1), stats. and art. IV-30, Wis. Con.
enrolling bills, procedure43
errors in proposals, authorized to correct minor31 (1)
payroll for persons employed by senate, certifies89
permits no records to be taken from custody
of that office5 (2)(d)
presides temporarily5 (4)
proposals, when recorded in journal46 (1)(b)
reads amendments not yet distributed48
records in journal date enrolled bill is submitted
to governor43
records status of executive appointments22 (2)
referral of proposals to committee, advises president46 (2)(a)
removal, resignation5 (1)
report used in lieu of first reading36 (1m)(a)
senate payroll, certifies89
specifies documents placed in jacket envelope30 (2)
superintends journal preparation and engrossing
and enrolling of bills and joint resolutions5 (2)
supervises sergeant at arms6 (3)
Citation (definition)99 (10)
Citation on behalf of the senate98
Clerical corrections to proposals31
Coats to be worn while senate sitting in session8 (1)
absence of members from senate while senate sitting in
session, prohibited except for members of
committees of conference23
action relating to, privileged motion or resolution69
actions of succeeding committee27 (6)
administrative rules review by standing committee:
objection by standing committee to proposed rule,
president refers to JCRAR46 (2)(am)
report concerning action (or inaction) on
proposed rule17 (1)(f), 27 (2)
rereference of proposed rule to different
standing committee46 (2)(b)
amendments offered by53
audio, recording, video11 (7)
bill to suspend proposed administrative rule: reference
to calendar after 30 days41 (1)(d)
bills withdrawn from41 (1)
business in, chairperson to schedule hearing
early in session25 (1)
business in, matters within sole jurisdiction of the
majority of committee25 (2)
business reported from, to committee on senate
organization18 (1)
cancellation of hearing (immediately notify
chief clerk)25 (1)(c)
candidates for appointments, to pass on
qualifications of22 (1)
chairperson (definition)99 (13)
chief clerk specifies documents which may be
placed in jacket envelope by30 (2)
committee of conference, members appointed
by president20m
committee of conference member may be
absent while senate sitting in session23
executive action (definition)99 (14)
finance, joint (see also ss. 13.09 to 13.095, 13.10
to 13.11, stats.)20 (4)
hearing, notice of25 (1), 26, 93 (2)
rereferral to41 (1)(e)
senate committee may return proposal
referred by senate20 (4)(b)
hearing, notice of unintroduced legislation25 (1)(c)
hearings held, dates recorded in history file30 (3)(a)
hearings, notice of26
hearings required18 (1m)
jurisdiction over matters referred to25 (2)
meetings, proceedings25
members: must be present for voting; exception
for teleconference24